Lepidoptera: Psychidae

Metura elongatus  

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)
click photo for larger image
© Vik Dunis 2016
Malvern East, VIC (May, 2016)
Common Names
  • Saunder's Case Moth

I came across this caterpillar on the footpath of busy Tooronga Road at East Malvern.

It was dragging its bag across the footpath. I moved it to a safer location.

The caterpillar retreats into the bag when disturbed and I had to wait half an hour each time it got spooked for it to re-emerge so that I could see the caterpillar properly and photograph it.

Here it can be seen crawling over a leaf, still, of course, dragging its bag.

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Case

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva